Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Feeling a bit nostalgic

nos·tal·gia: (noun) 1. a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time.
Whenever Zach goes to stay with Taylor for awhile I always think him and miss him like crazy. Even though I know he loves spending time with his dad. Today I was looking at pictures from when Zach was younger and thought I would post a couple just cause I think he is so cute! I can't believe he will be turning three in just a couple months.
Tiny Baby

Bugg meets Zach (Three days old)

Zach and mom at the Dallas Aquarium (3 Months Old)

Zach at the Children's Musueum (11Months old)

Playing in the snow Jan. 09

Venice Beach, CA May 09

Zach in his car bed Dec 09

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About Us

Gordon and I dated a little over a year in high school and then broke up after we graduated. We both got married and had kids. Gordon's daughter is named Kimiko Lee and my son is named Zachary Taylor. We both seperated from our spouses and one day ran into each other. The rest as they say is history. Our kids started playing together while we hung out and caught up. It didn't take long before we fell back in love. Gordon is an electrician and as of late I have been a stay at home mom. I haven't given up looking for a job and lots of days staying home makes me crazy. But, I love spending time with Zach. He loves dinosaurs and learning. We spend a lot of time practing numbers and letters and writing. We play with bugs and make messes. When he learns something new I get the best feeling in the world. Kimi loves everything princess and is very much a daddy's girl. We also each had a dog from our previous relationships, Bugg and Brutus. So our house is pretty full and someone is always causing some sort of ruckus. But, there is also a lot of love and laughing and I wouldn't have it any other way.